Charlotte Latin School

COVID Info 2022–23


Head of School, Chuck Baldecchi, and the COVID-19 Team have the health and safety of the Latin community as their top priority. The Physicians Advisory Team is comprised of parent physicians who advise the school and our nurses. We pledge to share updates and information with you in a transparent, timely manner.
  • We continue to monitor the virus and are in touch with the Mecklenburg County Public Health Director, who has up-to-the-minute information about COVID-19 and its impact in Charlotte.
  • We are communicating with the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and our peer schools for information and best-practice planning.






Do you have a question about COVID, the pandemic, or health and safety? So that we may answer your questions more quickly, please use the appropriate division-specific form below.