Learning Resources
Latin's Learning Resources provides a multi-modal approach in addressing student learning differences. Through coordinating all support systems for students including teachers, counselors, parents, and outside referrals, Learning Resources works to:
- remediate learning issues and teach students learning strategies.
- monitor the organizational skills of children with learning differences and/or Attention Deficit Disorder and to act as their advocate.
Learning Resources allows these students to learn effectively and successfully in a regular classroom while meeting the requirements of the curriculum at Charlotte Latin.
The Learning Resources Program also provides:
- Teaching services for Charlotte Latin students with learning differences.
- Screening services for students referred by teachers for observation and evaluation.
- Consultation services for teachers and parents for the purpose of enhancing learning for those students who learn differently.
Instituted in 1985, Learning Resources has helped students keep pace curricularly with the demands of an academically accelerated school. Students who qualify receive services in Lower, Middle and Upper Schools.
Admission to the program is based on a psychoeducational evaluation that demonstrates learning differences with significant weaknesses that impact academic achievement. The evaluation and pre-referral intervention corroborate the necessity for an intensive, specialized individual or small group approach to learning. It is expected that the response to intervention will be positive and the intervention will provide students with strategies to support their learning styles.