Global Studies
Traveling to Spain and experiencing the language within the culture gave my studying the language a totally new meaning. When I came back, Spanish wasn't just another class to me. The trip inspired me to learn more Spanish.
Upper School Spanish Student
Beginning over 35 years ago, Charlotte Latin cultivated and formed long-standing relationships with a variety of sister schools across multiple continents. Currently, Latin has ties to seven sister schools:
- Colegio de Marin in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Luzhou Laojiao Tianfu Middle School in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, China
- Sainte Marie Grand LeBrun in Bordeaux, France
- Jugenddorf Christophorusschule in Oberurff, Bad Zwesten, Germany
- Istituto Russell Guastalla in Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Hilton College in Lion's River Magisterial District, KwaZula Natal, South Africa
- St. Anne's Diocesan College, Hilton, South Africa
Why Global Studies?
Global Studies at Charlotte Latin is an extension of our Core Values — our program is about people and building relationships. Forging bonds built on mutual respect and understanding are a hallmark of a Latin education and this extends into our Global Studies program, where long-standing relationships with sister schools across the globe form the cornerstone of the program.
Questions? Email Kelly Willis, Director, or call 704-841-7461
Dozens of students each year travel to Latin from Argentina, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and South Africa. Exchange students stay for a few weeks or up a full year with host Latin families. These students attend classes, meet their Latin peers, and tour our city and state. Latin students interact with these groups, learning about and celebrating cultural similarities and differences.
Charlotte Latin Global Studies offers similar opportunities to students to travel to our Sister Schools and other locations around the world.
Latin's Global Studies program also brings global learning and awareness to campus through innovative curriculum and technology.
Teachers are supported through professional development to travel and bring their experiences back into their classrooms.
At the end of the day, it's about people. Connections. Building relationships. At any moment we have access to the world at our fingertips, yet we are at the same time increasingly disconnected from one another. Our Global Experiences have relationship building at the core. Opening your home to exchange students, sharing a meal with your host family abroad, working together in service to others, supporting your classmates on a group trip abroad — that's Global Studies.
Kelly Willis, Director of Global Studies
Spotlight: Serving as a Host Family
The Tune sisters with their Italian sister
(second from the right), August 2017.
Interview with Jane Tune, Parent ’16, ’21, ’26
Why does your family host exchange students?
Having an exchange student is the easiest and least expensive way to bring the world to your home and your children. Having a student from another country in our home has encouraged great conversations, and has opened our children's eyes to different languages, lifestyles, food, travel, and traditions.
How long has your family been hosting?
We've hosted since our first year at Latin in 2012.
What do you wish other families knew about hosting?
How much fun it is to host and how your family will bond and create great memories from simply inviting a student into your home. You will also meet other great Latin families whom you may not otherwise get to know, as we all host these students together.
Spotlight: Faculty Development
Middle School Faculty, Kate Hughey, has been collecting gently used children's books for needy students in Moldova for years. In 2017-18 she was recognized by the World Affairs Council of Charlotte as a Council Scholar. Hughey was awarded $2,500 which she used to fund a trip to Moldova to meet with teachers at our partner school, Mihai Emenescu Lyceum, in Chisinau.
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